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Eliminating Your Fears About a Colonoscopy

Eliminating Your Fears About a Colonoscopy

Colonoscopies aren’t painful or complicated procedures. At their worst, they can interrupt your schedule due to the dietary changes and other preparations required before the procedure. That being said, it’s normal to be apprehensive.

That’s why our experts at Digestive Disease Consultants of Orange County took the time to explore the most common fears seen in patients awaiting a colonoscopy. Here, we help you better understand what happens during a colonoscopy, so you’re able to make an informed decision. 

Colonoscopies don’t hurt 

During the procedure, you are sedated, meaning you go to sleep and wake up with no memory of what happened. You shouldn’t feel any discomfort or pain during the procedure. 

Afterward, some people have mild bloating or discomfort, especially if any polyps are removed. Complications are very rare, but we are available to answer any questions about your recovery. 

Your privacy is protected 

Up until the procedure, your body is fully covered with a hospital gown. During the procedure, our team only exposes the parts of your body needed for access while the rest of your body remains covered. While it is understandable that you may feel embarrassed, our team is wholly focused on your well-being and safety, not on anything else.

The preparation process is difficult 

Before the colonoscopy, you change your diet, drink a lot of liquid, and take some pills to cleanse the colon. This does mean you may have to spend a lot of time in the restroom. While it may be uncomfortable, the preparation doesn’t take more than three days. On the first two days, you may need to eat a low-fiber diet, while on the last day, you drink only liquids. 

Why get a colonoscopy after all?

Colonoscopies can save lives. Colon cancer is almost impossible to detect until the late stages because it doesn’t cause any symptoms. And when it does, the cancer is usually advanced. 

With a colonoscopy, our experts can remove polyps before they even turn cancerous or remove cancer growths in their early stages, significantly improving your chances of survival. Colon cancer is still quite rare, with one in 23 men and one in 25 women getting it in their lifetime, but it’s still important to be screened. 

If you’d like to be assured you are doing well, contact us to schedule an appointment. Our experts can let you know whether you need a colonoscopy, and if you do, explain the steps to make the process as comfortable as possible for you.

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