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I Have Hemorrhoids: Is Hemorrhoid Banding Right for Me?

Hemorrhoid banding is a sure and safe way to get rid of certain types of hemorrhoids. It’s a painless and easy procedure that helps to dry up the hemorrhoids which then fall off on their own within one or two weeks. 

Our experts at Digestive Disease Consultants of Orange County in Orange County, California, often use hemorrhoid banding for patients, as it’s a quick and effective procedure. Read on to find out if you’re a good candidate for it.

Hemorrhoids that can be treated with banding

Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels of the anus. Sometimes they can be found inside the anus or outside the anus. A more severe type of internal hemorrhoid is a prolapsed hemorrhoid, which can sometimes slip out and cause pain after using the toilet.

Hemorrhoid banding can be used for the following: grade 1 internal hemorrhoids and grade 2 internal hemorrhoids.

Grade 1 internal hemorrhoids are hemorrhoids that bleed but don't slip out after using the toilet. Grade 2 hemorrhoids are internal hemorrhoids that bleed and slip out after using the toilet but are retractable, meaning they go back up into the anus on their own.

In rare cases, hemorrhoid banding can also be used for grade 3 hemorrhoids that slip out after using the toilet and have to be manually pushed up again into the anus. However, these types of hemorrhoids are more likely to be treated with surgery.

What happens during the procedure? 

In preparation, our experts may ask you to take a laxative to empty the bowels. During the procedure, we numb you with a topical anesthetic, and one of our experts inserts a device in your anus to get a better view of the hemorrhoid. Next, we use a special device to place one or two rubber bands on your hemorrhoid. 

The procedure may seem uncomfortable, but it is painless and it takes only about 10 minutes to carry out.

Recovery after hemorrhoid banding 

After the procedure, the hemorrhoids dry up and fall off on their own. This can take between one and two weeks to happen. In the first few days, you may experience some inflammation in the anus, which can be managed with topical anti-inflammatory medications and warm baths. 

Flatulence and constipation are also normal responses to hemorrhoid banding. Fortunately, these symptoms usually go away on their own. After the hemorrhoids are gone, you may be asked to come in for a follow-up visit. 

If hemorrhoids bother you and you want a painless, permanent solution, contact us to schedule an appointment. Our experts can examine you and let you know if you are a good candidate for hemorrhoid banding. In addition, our experts let you know what changes you can make to prevent other hemorrhoids from occurring.

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