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The GERD Diet

What is GERD?

GERD is the abnormal reflux of various stomach contents into the esophagus. In most individuals, the lower esophageal sphincter does not close properly - allowing back flow of acid. This results in irritation as well as varying degree of erosion to the esophageal mucosal lining.

Symptoms Include:

The GERD Diet 

Foods that can cause irritation and should be removed from diet include:

Beverages that loosen the esophageal sphincter and should be avoided (or limited) include:

After you have eliminted the above list of foods, it is best to transition to the Anti-inflammatory Diet (see below).

Anti-inflammatory Diet

The anti-inflammatory diet, also known as the Mediteranean diet, is a mostly whole-food, plant-based diet with an inclusion of high-quality animal products. 

Step 1: Add anti-inflammatory foods to current diet:

Step 2: Minimize/replace inflammatory foods:

If you look through both lists carefully, you will find that the anti-inflammatory foods list consists of whole, real food. The inflammatory list consists of processed food

Step 3: Drink WATER

Water is one of the most anti-inflammatory substances you can put in your body. Water is the medium in which most cellular processes occur. If your body and cells aren't adequately hydrated, metabolism may not function optimally. 

The current recommendation for water intake is 65 oz. (about 2 liters or 8 cups). This does not include coffee or tea (caffeinated).

If symptoms do not improve, consider eliminating dairy and gluten COMPLETELY for 3 weeks to determine if these foods influences symptoms. Most people feel better going gluten-free and dairy-free due to the decrease in processed food consumption.

Remember, the information on this website is a general recommendation for your medical condition. If you feel that you need more nutrition guidance, please feel free to make an appointment with our in-house dietitian. Unfortunately, nutrition consultations are not covered by insurance but the option to create a more individualized nutrition/health plan is available.
Tatiana Keay DDCOC Registered Dietitian Tatiana Keay, MS, RD  Tatiana Keay is DDCOC's in-house registered dietitian. She helps lots of our patients who are serious about improving their gastrointestinal symptoms with dietary interventions.

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