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Which Type of Endoscopy Is Right for You?

Which Type of Endoscopy Is Right for You?

An endoscopy is a minimally invasive test that makes use of a camera to look inside the digestive system for disease. It can detect ulcers, polyps, inflammation, and tumors. 

Our specialists at Digestive Disease Consultants of Orange County offer two types of endoscopy: capsule endoscopy and upper endoscopy.

Capsule endoscopy can detect issues in the middle part of the small intestine, whereas upper endoscopy can detect issues in the esophagus, stomach, and upper part of the small intestine. 

Read on to find out what symptoms may prompt a consult and what type of endoscopy may be right for you. 

What symptoms may prompt an endoscopy 

Specialists often recommend an endoscopy for symptoms such as the following:

Food reactions can cause some of these symptoms. For example, some people exhibit reactions to coffee, tea, carbonated beverages, or acidic sauces, while others exhibit reactions to certain raw vegetables. 

Keeping a food diary or following an elimination diet may help you identify external triggers for your symptoms.

Capsule endoscopy 

The scopes used for an upper endoscopy aren’t long enough to examine the entire small intestine. For this purpose, doctors use capsule endoscopy. Capsule endoscopy involves swallowing a small capsule containing a camera.

You may need to fast for at least 10 hours before a capsule endoscopy. Once the capsule enters your digestive tract, it takes photos of your intestines and sends the information back to the main computer. 

Capsule endoscopy is often recommended if doctors suspect that the source of bleeding is in the small intestine, or if doctors suspect the patient has tumors, ulcers, or inflammatory bowel disease.

Upper endoscopy 

An upper endoscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that involves the use of a long, flexible tube that’s guided through your upper digestive system. The tube has a camera attached to its tip, which enables doctors to see the source of a patient’s symptoms, remove polyps, or treat bleeding.

Before the procedure, you may be asked to make a list of all the medications you’re taking and all the allergies you have. The procedure is often done under anesthesia to reduce discomfort.

Your doctor may recommend an upper endoscopy if you have difficulty swallowing foods or experience nausea and pain in the upper part of your stomach. 

Get an accurate diagnosis with us 

If you’re dealing with upsetting symptoms, contact us to schedule an appointment. Our team will answer all of your digestive-related questions and advise you on what testing procedures may be of help. 

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