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Why Am I Suddenly Bloated All the Time?

Why Am I Suddenly Bloated All the Time?

Although it’s rarely a sign of a dangerous affliction, bloating can cause a lot of discomfort. When you’re bloated, your clothes may not fit properly, or you may simply find it hard to finish daily tasks with that dreadful feeling of fullness and heaviness in your tummy. 

If you’re looking for answers and help, look no further. Our experts at Digestive Disease Consultants of Orange County in Orange County, California, have extensive experience treating bloating and are here to share some insight into what could be causing your discomfort. 

Most common causes of bloating 

Bloating doesn’t always cause a visible bulging of the tummy. You may just feel some expansion in your stomach area without noticing an increase in the size of your abdomen. Some people are hypersensitive to small amounts of bloat, and others may feel bloated even without gas or water retention in the gut. 

While this is a common symptom, several conditions could be to blame.

Gas buildup 

The most common cause of bloating is gas buildup. This can occur due to swallowing too much air when eating, drinking carbonated drinks, or the fermentation of carbohydrates. 

Most carbohydrates are readily absorbed by the villi located in the small intestine, but fermentable oligo-saccharides, di-saccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols (often abbreviated as FODMAP) aren’t always absorbed properly. Instead, they’re fermented by the bacteria in the colon. 

As these FODMAP foods are fermented, water retention and gas increase, causing bloat in some people. Some people may benefit from avoiding foods that score high on the FODMAP scale.

Chronic constipation 

Chronic constipation could be to blame for your bloating. As more time passes and more fecal matter builds up, the abdomen expands to accommodate the extra matter in your gut. 

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

In people suffering from IBS, gas often builds up. This bloating is often due to an imbalance in the gut bacteria. 

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth

We naturally have about a trillion bacteria in our small intestine. These bacteria play a crucial role in determining, regulating, and maintaining our overall health. Dysbiosis is a term used to describe the imbalance between the good and bad bacteria. The providers at DDCOC can test for this. Also, taking pre-biotics, pro-biotics, and/or antibiotics should be discussed with a GI expert.

Celiac disease 

Celiac disease is an autoimmune condition in which the immune system mistakes gluten, a protein found in many cereals, for an invader. Inflammation occurs as a consequence of the immune system attacking the ingested gluten, which leads to bloating and discomfort. 

Medications and supplements

Medications and supplements can also cause bloating. You may be at a higher risk of bloating if you take any of the following:

In some people, fiber supplements can also cause bloating.

When to see a specialist about your bloating 

Bloating is a common symptom that usually goes on its own. However, if your bloating persists or occurs way too often, you may benefit from scheduling an appointment

Bloating associated with weight loss, poor appetite, or a lump in the abdomen could be a sign of an underlying condition that requires immediate medical care. 

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